Barcode Grading
We provide high-quality 1D and 2D barcodes, guaranteeing accurate and consistent scanning of your barcodes. Our barcodes conform to the most stringent international industry manufacturing standards and certifications, including ISO/IEC 15415, ISO/IEC 15416, 15416-1 and 2, ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-2006), and GS1. Our grading system, equipped with the TruCheck Omni™ barcode grading and verification system, can verify both 1D linear barcodes and 2D symbols, as well as generate barcode grading reports of individual or specific sequences of barcodes. These grading reports reflect the quality of the barcode design, and do not currently include a unique grade for every barcode printed (in-line verification). Our experienced support team is also available to provide advice on how to improve barcode quality and readability.

Grading Criteria
Barcodes are graded on different parameters, depending on whether they are 1D or 2D barcodes. Each parameter is graded numerically on a scale of 0 to 4 or with a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F, with F representing failed barcode verification. Parameters include decodability, symbol contrast, and quiet zone

Causes of Failure
There are several reasons why a barcode might fail the grading process, including high barcode density, due to encoding too much information on a small barcode, print inconsistency, and damage. Always ensure sufficient space is allotted for the quiet zone surrounding the barcode, and that all printing equipment is regularly inspected.

Barcode Types
Our grading system verifies and grades 1D linear barcodes, including UPC, Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39, GS1 DataBar, Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF), as well as 2D barcodes, such as Aztec, Data Matrix, QR, PDF417, MaxiCode, and Postnet.
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Improve the traceability of your assets with Barcode Grading